Panoramic X-ray

We have at our disposal, an X-ray for “small” intraoral images, kugel type, and with one of the most modern X-ray machines for panoramic photos – Veraview IC5 HD from Morita. These devices allow us to extremely accurately diagnose diseases of the hard tooth tissues and jaw bones..

Is there a risk in the X-ray examination??

• Ionizing radiation transmits energy to the tissues of the human body. The energy, transmitted by radiation per unit body weight, is called the absorbed dose or just a dose.
• The risk of injury is greater when receiving a higher ingested dose.
• X-rays in dentistry use very small doses of X-rays.
• No evidence so far, that these small doses can cause adverse health effects.
• It is considered, that X-ray studies have a minimal risk of increasing the natural probability of developing malignancy, which will manifest itself many years after irradiation.
• The risk increases with the number of X-rays and the dose received in each of them.

About all risks, as well as the benefits of conducting an X-ray examination, you can read more here: