Frequently Asked questions

The symptoms are pain - spontaneous, when pressed or while chewing, edema. The pain may be constant or intermittent, intensifying in the evening. Sometimes the symptoms combine, or they may be completely absent. To confirm the need for root canal treatment, further research needs to be done: x-ray, EOD etc..
The treatment in dental clinic “BUNAYA” is performed under local anesthesia in complete comfort for the patient. In the first few days after treatment, the tooth may have increased sensitivity, which rapidly decreases and disappears. In case, that it lasts for a longer period of time or pain occurs, the patient should consult the doctor, conducted the treatment.
Untreated or poorly treated root canals can cause serious inflammation with granuloma formation., bone melting, etc., to affect the general condition of the body. Therefore, it is important in such cases to heal the entire root system, especially if a crown is to be placed, the tooth will be part of a large prosthetic structure or if an implant will be placed next to it.
Each tooth more or less changes color and loses its luster after root canal treatment. Some old methods give gray or dark red colors. This problem is solved by applying modern techniques for internal and external whitening of one or all teeth..
Ceramic veneers are extremely fine "tiles" of ceramic, which glued to the front of the teeth, radically change color, form, the arrangement and size of the teeth, and thus the overall vision of the face.
Veneers allow to obtain the highest aesthetic results, due to the absence of metal the light penetrates deep and gives the tooth a completely natural look.
The veneers are about 0.5 mm thick and this allows you to achieve an incredible aesthetic result in just two sessions., with maximum preservation of healthy dental tissues. In some cases, when the tooth is located further in the row, filing may not occur.
An exceptional combination of strength and aesthetics. No metal is used for the construction, which makes zirconia crowns very bio-tolerant and natural. Zirconium structures completely replace metal-ceramic crowns, at the same time surpassing them many times over.
A product based on hydrogen or urea peroxide passes through the tooth enamel, under the action of ultraviolet light and brightens the coloring pigment of the tooth.
Numerous studies have proven the complete safety of the procedure.
In dental clinic “BUNAYA” we use products and equipment of the American company BEYOND, approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and the American Dental Association.
The basic bleaching is done once, then the result is maintained once a year with a simple procedure at home.
To keep a bright smile is necessary once a year, within three days, for one hour at home to put on the appliances with whitening gel.
Artificial constructions are not affected, because of which 15 days after whitening, when the color has stabilized, they have to be replaced.
This generally depends on the patient. The main rule is to observe very good oral hygiene and to conduct regular check-ups and prevention of each 4-6 months. This will avoid inflammation, which, if not cured in time it would endanger your implant.
Anyone with missing teeth and in good health can have implants. Contraindications may be uncontrolled diabetes, radiotherapy, etc.. In the absence of sufficient bone in the clinic “BUNAYA” bone replacement therapy is performed, which provides the required volume.
On a case-by-case basis, research is performed and the possibilities for treatment with implants are assessed. In the first place is digital radiography, giving information about the location of structures such as the mandibular canal, distance to the roots of adjacent teeth, maxillary sinus, etc.. Computed tomography (CBCT) is the most accurate method, which recreates in three dimensions, the area of interest to us and allows very accurate planning of implantation, the exact size and type of implant, direction and depth, on which it will be placed. The rest of the research concerns the general health of the patient, as well as some local factors, as a level of oral hygiene, condition of the teeth, presence for bruxism (night gnashing of teeth) etc.
The implantation itself takes place under local anesthesia within 30-40 min., as the patient feels nothing. In fact, the placement of an implant, in most cases, is easier to manipulate than tooth extraction.
Modern systems, which we use, allow us around 98% performance within 20 years. Clinical studies show, that screw implants keep crowns about 27 years. However, proper oral hygiene and regular check-ups in every 4-6 months are one of the main factors, which guarantee the success of the treatment.
In all cases, the implant is the right choice, especially, if healthy adjacent teeth need to be prepared to make a bridge. Comfort, which the implant creates is as close as possible to that of a natural tooth, and its functional suitability exceeds 2 to 3 times that of the bridge.
The rule is, that the number of implants corresponds to the number of roots removed. Thus, in the absence of an anterior tooth or premolar, one implant is placed, and when it is a molar – two are needed. Exceptionally, when there is no space for two implants, due to displacement of the teeth around the place of extraction, one implant can be placed, but with a larger diameter – 4, 5, 6 mm.
No, an implant can be placed regardless of age, as long as the basic growth is complete (after 18-20 years old) The health condition and the peculiarities of the implantation site are decisive.
The optimal time is 4-6 months as in a clinic “BUNAYA” in case of longer treatment we also do intermediate examinations.
Product of CAD-CAM technology, designed to maximize the preservation of dental tissues, especially in severely damaged, but vital teeth.
Yes, and it is also obligatory with us.